Friday, January 26, 2007



Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ

This week the focus was on the importance of PERSONAL PRAYER in the life of a JY. It was led by Shintochetan(S7E). He brought up a lot of thought-provoking questions regarding our call, prayer life etc. Some of those present shared how God had first touched their lives and how their prayer life was.

Prayer is our life support system without which we cannot survive the alien atmosphere of earth. It is our conversation with the One who knows us the most...for He created us... We must ensure that we spend enough time..a minimum of thirty minutes in His presence each day. It is a time of worship, praising Him, sharing, etc. It would be good to follow this... ACTS: Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication(first for others_INTERCESSION_ and then only for self).

Even Jesus prayed while on this earth...which brings us to the word for the day... Matthew 14.

Matthew 14:23
After He had sent the multitudes away, He went up the mountain by Himself to pray.

Jesus always took time to be with the Father...even if it meant giving up his much-needed sleep. How much more then must we pray to our Lord!!

We then sang the action song "The blind man sat by the road" and wound up by cheering and then praying.

Do continue to keep the group and the ministries in your prayers.

Love and prayers

P.S. Thank you all for encouraging me re updates. By His grace, we'll continue to update all of you dears...

2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.

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