Praise the Lord!! For He is worthy to be praised!!!!
Dearly beloved in Christ
The gathering this week was really beyond our expectations. Our S3,S5,S7 chetans and chechis have study leave now and we thought there would be hardly ten attending the gathering. BUT the Lord blessed us with the presence of many of our little brothers and sisters who came in spite of their first sessionals which are scheduled for next week. Do keep them in your prayers as they are tensed( being their first ever internals)....
The group was led by Arun (S5L) and Nithin(S5C). The Word for the day was from Matthew 13:10-17.
Matthew 13:16-17
"Blessed are your eyes, for they see and your ears, for they hear. For assuredly I say to you, many prophets and righteous men have desired to see what your eyes have seen and to hear what your ears have heard."
Then Midhun(S7M) and Jilson(S5E) shared their thoughts on the Word. Truly we have been called not because we were the most believing or the most deserving or the most righteous. It was only His grace that chose us even before we were born, even before the foundations of the earth were laid. So let us always be thankful that our names are written in heaven. And let us pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to help us understand His Word.
This was followed by the action song "I'm trading my sorrows". Everyone participated enthusiastically. We concluded with prayer...
Let us grow closer to Him this Christmas season... because HE'S THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!!!!!!!
Love and prayers
2 Cor 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you as My strength is made perfect in weakness."
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