Saturday, August 11, 2007



Dear family

With all the exams over, there were very few people left in Kothamangalam so the attendance wasn't much but in spite of that we had a great group...attended mostly by first years' and a few seniors including two Hindus... The Word for the day was from Mark 6:45-51..the Bible passage was about Jesus walking on the water.

We decided to hear the first-years' sharing about their experiences with the group over the past year...

Most of them told that they started coming because of their seniors' love and care. We pray that the love of Christ will make them stay! Some of them shared that their prayer lives had changed since they started coming..some liked the songs...some shared about the praise and worship.. It was really a refreshing sight to see the first-years' attending the group even on the eve of the exams..surely they must have felt that they would lose nothing by attending. God bless them!!!

Love and prayers

2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Dearest in Christ

The group for the day was led by Arun Antony(S6L) and Jomy(S6M). They shared about the CHOICES we face and how we ought to make wise choices. They told two about St.Francis of he renounced all that he had in the world for the Lord. The other was the story of a little girl torn between a Barbie doll and a teddy bear while shopping. She finally buys the teddy and  then  mopes around at home thinking of the doll she could have bought.

Likewise we may face some tough choices in give up something we love.. We also have the choice to be forever grateful for the blessings we have...or whine about the ones we don't.

Let us pray that we may always be able to make the right choices in life!!

That was the last group that our dearest final-years'  attended..... May the Lord bless their lives wherever they go. We thank all the six of you- Benilchettan, Midhunchettan, Shintochettan, Jishachechi, Sherinchechi and Soniachechi for everything...please don't expect me to list out what all we are grateful for....that list wouldn't finish anytime now. You were a blessing to us in so many ways... We pray that we can do for our juniors what you've done for us. Thanks for all the patient sowing you have done the last four years!!!!!!!

Love and prayers

2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Friday, August 10, 2007



Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

The group was led by Bineesha(S4C) and Edin(S4M). We started off by singing songs and then they introduced the topic...the Word was from 1 John 3:1-10.

I John 3:1
Behold what manner of love the Father has given unto us that we shoul be called the children of God.

ndeed it is a blessing we are unworthy call Him 'Father'. And yet how deep how high how wide His love is!! For He loved us while we were yet sinners. That's the difference between His love and human love. For we love those we believe are worthy of our love and friendship. How far are we able to love the cranky, the rude, the hot-tempered, the dirty, the mean and  the like?

We then sang the action song 'tring tring cycle gadee' and concluded with prayer.

Love and prayers



2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Dear family in Christ

The group of the day was conducted by Eugene(S6E) and Jeffie(S6L). They shared from Mark 12:28-44.

Mark 12:30
Love the Lord your God. Love Him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.

he chosen Bible passage includes the part about the mos important commandment and the widow's mite. We were asked to read the passage and share with our neighbour any insights we  had. We heard some wonderful insights... That we must love Him with the fullness of love, in its entirety, with every fibre of our being! And loving Him, how can we afford to neglect the mankind  so precious to Him? Precious enough to send His Son for us!!!!

The widow's offering teaches us to give our all...our time, energy, love to Him..without measure..even as He gave to us without measure His love! This is one of the very rare instances where we see Jesus actually calling His disciples to Him to point out someone...And that someone turned out to be not a Pharisee but a poor widow! The widow's offering was that precious and pleasing to Him!!!!

Love and prayers



2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Dear family

In this exam season, we still had a number of students attending the group, including first-years'. That was a really wonderful sight to see!!! The Word for the day was from Philippians 4.

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

That verse is the powerhouse of so many Christians. We had lots of sharing about this passage... that we must go beyond this verse and think of the author of these lines...who was the same person who  wrote of having a thorn in his flesh, of so much persecution...and of so much faith!! We too must have the faith in the ONE who strengthens us even in the face of trials. Faith that deserts us in the time of tribulation is no faith at all!!!
And it isn't enough for us to simply receive the strength,,we must go ahead and utilise it.
Those were some of the points shared. Then we had a riot doing the action song 'Making melody in my heart'!!!!

Love and prayers

2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Dear brothers and sisters in Christ

The group was led by Manju(S4E), Meril(S4E) and Sumi(S4L). We started off with some songs and then moved on to the topic for the day...'Taming the tongue'. The sharing from the Word was from James 3:1-12.

James 3:9-10
With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.

seldom stop to think of the far-reaching consequences of a few careless words that fall from our mouths... And yet how often we ourselves feel hurt because of what others say!!! So there comes the golden rule......Do to others as you would have them do unto you! Our tongue can be used to lie, judge, accuse,  hurt, reject, provoke, cause envy....the list goes on... And the same tongue is used to pray, to praise, to encourage others...!! We MUST be careful with our words. Only then can we be perfect as our Heavenly Father is perfect!!!

Then we did an energising action song-'I want to clap clap clap'. Our alumni Manojchettan had joined us for the day. So we had the chance to listen to his sharing about the group during his days here. We concluded with prayer.

Love and prayers


2 Cor 12:9
My grace is sufficient for you because my strength is made perfect in weakness.  

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Before They Were Biblical Superstars ...

Here's what a few of the Bible's most well known people did
before they became famous...

Noah was a farmer =
He went on to build the Ark

Abraham was a livestock owner =
He would one day become founder of the Jewish nation

Joseph was a slave and a prisoner =
He would later become the ruler of Egypt

David was a shepherd =
who became Israel's greatest king

Matthew started out as a tax collector =
but finished as a disciple of Jesus

Peter was a fisherman =
who became a fisher of men, leading the early church.

Paul was set out to be a persecutor of the Church=
but went on to become one of the pillars of the Church

You see,
God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things.
The people above are just like you and I.
What made God use them was their willingness to be used.

So just because the world may not see you as someone special,
take heart because God does.
If you are willing to be used by the Lord,
He will use you for great and wonderful things.
Maybe you won't part the Red Sea or lead a nation,
but everyday you will represent the Living God to the dying world.

And that makes you truly extraordinary.

All The Best !

God Bless You !

(Forward from Orkut...Original material courtesy:Vishal,in community 'Bible')

With luv and prayers,
Jeffie John Parackal.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Phil 4:13

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Daily Prayers

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Phil 4:13

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Prolife Prayer Card

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".
Phil 4:13

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